Car Parking Brake Lever Assembly

A typical car parking brake lever assembly consists of a hand-actuated ratchet plate, lever mechanism, and handle. The ratchet plate has mounting flanges 14 and an assembly that is vertically disposed, and a main body 17 that has a sector 18 with teeth and a mounting hole. When the custom Parking Brake Assembly is applied, the lever is raised, and the pawl engages with the corresponding teeth on the revolving pawl.

The hand-actuated parking brake assembly has an operable handle that is positioned adjacent to the motor vehicle's door. This design does not obstruct entry and exit, and has other advantages that will become apparent to those of ordinary skill in the art. FIG. 3 is a perspective broken-out section of the parking brake lever assembly and illustrates the operation of the hand-actuated parking brake handle. The lever assembly is retracted into its non-operating position.

The push rod assembly releases the locking engagement of the hand brake when the parking brake is applied. This lever is attached to the frame of the vehicle using mounting bolts 16 secured with nuts 46. The lever's grip end 37 has a biased-on signalling mechanism located adjacent to the strike plate 30. The bias on signalling means 47 indicates that the parking brake has been applied. The lever is retracted and the hand brake is disengaged.

The hand-actuated parking brake assembly includes a ratchet mechanism that secures the parking brake to the vehicle frame. The ratchet plate 11 includes a lever mechanism and an anchored ratchet plate with teeth. The handle is retractable and has a handle that is placed adjacent to the driver and passenger seats. The lever is positioned next to the strike plate 30 and engages a signal switch 31.

The hand-actuated parking brake assembly is positioned near the vehicle exit. It occupies the space between the driver and the passenger seats and is secured by mounting bolts 16. The ratchet plate is secured to the vehicle frame by nuts 46. The ratchet plate is secured to a ratchet plate assembly by a bias-on signalling means 47 located adjacent to the strike plate 30. The ratchet plate is held in the non-braking position by a spring.

The hand brake assembly is connected to the rear drum brake assembly via a cable. The lever is linked to the rear drum brake mechanism with the help of a brake cable. The hand brake assembly is a vital component of the parking brake system and is essential to ensure safety. A properly working parking brake system is essential to prevent accidents. The hand-actuated parking brake assembly will allow you to safely park your car safely.

The car parking brake lever assembly is located near the exit of the vehicle. It is placed on the passenger side of the car to be used as an accessory. The lever is positioned adjacent the exit of the motor vehicle. The handle is attached to the ratchet plate assembly with a nut. The ratchet plate will engage the signal switch and signal the brake lever when the car is in the non-parking position.

The parking brake lever assembly is installed between the passenger and driver seats. It is positioned between the driver and passenger seats, and is secured to the vehicle frame with mounting bolts 16. The mounting bolts are secured by nuts 46. A biased-on signalling means is attached to the ratchet plate assembly 11. This is used to signal the brake lever's application. A ratchet plate with teeth is attached to a push-button in a conventional parking brake assembly.

Generally, the car parking brake lever assembly is located between the driver's seat and the passenger's seat. The hand brake assembly is located between the driver and the passenger's seats. The hand brake is located between the driver and passenger seats. It is attached to the vehicle frame with mounting bolts. The handle is connected to the lever through a retractable handle. The handle 13 is attached to the ratchet plate assembly 11 with a biased-on signalling means 47. The biased-on signalling means is also connected to the strike plate 30.

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